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5 Ways to examine Your Weed for Mold
Nothing can kill a good buzz like weed that’s gotten moldy. It adversely affects its flavor, potency, and smell of your preferred strain. Moldy weed is caused by high humidity, lack of airflow, oxygen, and temperature. It can even cause health problems, so it’s essential that you know how to examine your weed. Basically, there are 5 ways you can examine your weed to see if it’s developed mold:
Feel it – healthy, properly cured weed should feel crisp and dry. If it has a damp or spongy feel, it may already be moldy. Detecting mold on marijuana plants takes due diligence and practice. Furthermore, it often involves the 3 tests – feeling it, looking at it, and smelling it. Thus, if you feel it is not right or smells slightly musty, it might have gone bad.
Look at it – the easiest and most common way to check for mold is to examine it with your naked. The most common signs to look for include:
cobweb-like material
dark spots on green buds
grey or yellow-looking fuzz
powdery appearance
Look deeper – if you have microscope or can borrow one from somebody, you can easily detect the first hints of mold before you can see it with the naked eye. A jeweler’s loop or magnifying glass (the stronger, the better) can help you look deeper into the surface of your buds. Molds have structures that look nothing like any parts of a marijuana plant. If something doesn’t look right, you may be looking at mold.
Search online for marijuana recalls – although it’s a last resort, you can always check different grower’s websites or media outlets and check for recalls of moldy marijuana. Since issues like this typically go unreported, this might not be a reliable way to see if any moldy weed has made its way to the buyer’s market. However, it can be effective, especially if a particular crop was large enough and got distributed to multiple locations and numerous vendors.
Smell it – whether it’s berries, diesel fuel, or skunk, your weed gives of a range of aromas. However, if it smells like sweat or urine, it’s probably developing mold. That being said, some individuals have a more sensitive sense of smell than others and can detect more of the weed’s fragrance, even if it has gotten moldy. Keep in mind that some types of molds don’t develop a smell until they’re further along into their development. Thus, you might have to look at other signs to check the quality.
Use these different methods to ensure your weed isn’t moldy. For more information, send your questions to Tank Glass at support@tankglass.us.
Types of Percolator Bongs
From beakers to dab rings and recyclers to straight tubes, bongs are available a broad range of shapes and sizes. But did you know that most bongs can be equipped with a percolator? In the simplest of terms, a percolator bong is a bong with a percolator inside of it. Which leads us to the next question . . . what’s a percolator? And no, it’s not an old-style coffeemaker, although it works in similar fashion.
Percolators are small design features that are built in to a bong. Most of the time, they’re referred to as “percs.” They’re usually located inside the tube component and are available in different shapes and sizes. While they’re commonly made from glass, some are made from metal and silicone as well. Regardless of their construction, shape or size, they all have one thing in common – additional filtration of your smoke.
Now that you’ve had a crash course or introduction to percolators and what they do, let’s look at the different types that might be found in a bong. While there are literally dozens of different percolators available, the 5 listed below are the most common:
Disk percolators – this is simply a disc with holes or slits in it. It’s very sturdy, but it does create harsher hits.
Honeycomb percolators – as the name implies, this type of percolator resembles a honeycomb. It’s a disc with numerous small holes. This diffuses the smoke and provides a much smoother bong hit.
Showerhead percolators – as the most common type of percolator, this one looks like (you guessed it) a showerhead. It typically has anywhere from 12 to 20 holes or slits and can diffuse smoke more thoroughly than other types of percolators.
Tree percolators – as one of the older percolator styles, these percolators get their name from branches or trees. They’ll have anywhere from 2-7 arms, each one with a set of holes or slits. Tree percolators also provide extremely smooth hits.
Turbine percolators – these percolators resemble turbine engines because of their blades that help spin the bong water and diffuse the smoke. Turbine percolator bongs are pretty tall, meaning you’ll need lots of water to filter the smoke.
The biggest benefit to smoking cannabis in a percolator bong is that it dramatically cools and filters the smoke and results in hits that are considerably smoother on your lungs and throat. Percolator bongs tend to make the flavor of your weed pop more than other types of bongs. For additional information, please e-mail your questions to Tank Glass at support@tankglass.us. Browse our wide collection of bongs, pipes and beakers to enhance your smoking experience.
beaker bong
The Truth about Contact Highs
Have you ever been talking to a friend while they were smoking cannabis when you suddenly felt your eyelids getting heavier and your state of mind getting better? This is more commonly referred to as a “contact high” and often happens when you’re hanging out with cannabis smokers in close quarters. If you’ve ever felt high without smoking a blunt, bong, or joint. Interestingly enough, many cannabis smokers will intentionally try to experience a contact high.The term “contact high” is defined in one of two ways. First, it describes feeling a drug’s psychoactive effects without physically consuming it, such as sitting in close quarters and inhaling secondhand smoke. The second meaning, which is more obscure, refers to an individual experiencing the psychoactive effects by just being in the presence of another individual who’s under a mind-altering drug’s influence. However, the first meaning makes more sense from a scientific perspective.The second meaning tends to raise more eyebrows. However, it may have some grounding in science. In any event, there are a range of factors that contribute to the experience including the physical and social settings. For one, contact highs resulting from inhaling secondhand smoke are definitely real, but what about the “psychogenic” type? While it seems unlikely, many variables could make it a possibility. Studies comparing placebos with psychedelics have led to some interesting results.Thus, the question remains. Can a person get high from secondhand cannabis smoke? Yes, they can. Look at it like this. When you’re sitting in close quarters, you’re basically smoking cannabis – although it’s only indirectly. Granted, you’re not ingesting the same amount of THC compared to hitting a blunt or bong. However, you’re still inhaling THC that is floating in the air around you. If you remain in this type of setting, you’ll start to feel that moderate high creeping in. Although it feels good, you need to ensure that doing that often can You really don’t need to be in such close quarters to experience a contact high. In fact, just sitting close enough to a group of smokers in a regular room will yield the same results though not as significant. On an interesting side note, researchers have actually created similar close quarter situations to test this hypothesis. Is it possible to get high from just smelling cannabis buds? No. Cannabinoids don’t volatize in ambient temps and second, THC exists as THCA in raw flowers and is a non-psychotropic molecule.In case, you are looking for smoking accessories, bongs, beakers and pipes, you can browse our collection online. If you have any questions regarding the above content, please e-mail your questions to Tank Glass at support@tankglass.us.
effect of cannabis
Short-Term Effects Of Smoking Cannabis On Memory
One of the most important questions that first-time cannabis smokers often ask is “Does smoking cannabis affect a person’s short-term memory?” The short answer is “YES.” However, acknowledging this opens the door to smoking weed in a way that minimizes its negative impact. Anyone who smokes weed on a regular basis is well aware of the ways it impacts their short-term memory.Whether it’s about forgetting what someone just said to you, forgetting what you just said to them, or getting halfway through what you were saying and forgetting the rest, the effects are easy to perceive. Here are 7 short-term effects on the different facets of a person’s short-term memory:
Attention – while attention is not a form of short-term memory, memory is completely dependent on paying attention. Understanding how cannabis adversely affects our short-term memory might not be possible without understanding how it impacts our ability to pay attention.
Emotional memory – although they are typically minimal in nature, the short-term effects on emotional memory are always present. With the exception of remembering negative emotional cues, emotional processing is usually uninhibited.
Learning and memory – when it comes to cannabis adversely affecting learning and memory, research findings clearly indicate a clear correlation. Not so surprisingly, consuming more cannabis resulted in decreased or poor recall. That is one of the reasons that students get poor grades when they use these substances.
Motor memory – studies show that cannabis reduces motor inhibition, in other words, your ability to stop an ongoing task. This was tested by employing a “stop signal” task – starting a motor action on a start signal then halting it on a stop signal.
Spatial memory – the ability to recognize and remember specific environmental details is known as spatial memory. It’s what enables us to find our way out of a maze or recall where we left our car or house keys.
Verbal memory – cannabis adversely impacts verbal and non-verbal memory alike. It’s one of the more observable effects of smoking cannabis. When this type of memory is affected, it’s often difficult to keep track of conversations. However, it is short term and wears off eventually when you stop smoking it.
Working memory – this is the ability of a person to process information in real time. It’s typically utilized in the learning process and enables you to build connections. It’s also about your ability to further process a train of thought.
Although we have a considerable way to go when it comes to understanding how cannabis impacts memory, we do know it’s likely to be negative. However, for the best smoking experience, check out the high-quality accessories at Tank Glass by e-mailing your questions to support@tankglass.us.
glass pipes
The Impact on a Relationship when Couples smoke Cannabis
Smoking weed together in a relationship can be a great source of enjoyment as well as relaxing and stimulating. However, if you overdo it, it can damage relationships and drive couples apart. Where relationships are concerned, cannabis and alcohol use can have good and bad consequences depending on the extent of their use. Either way, weed is going to have some type of effect on your relationship. This isn’t a matter of it being good or bad, but each individual’s personal circumstances.
You also have to consider their relationship with weed as well as their relationship with the other individual in the relationship. For many couples sharing a blunt or a joint can be a great way to unwind after a long day and spend some quality time together. For others, their cannabis habit may become detrimental and adversely affect their ability to respond to their partner’s specific needs, thereby damaging the relationship over time. While sharing cannabis is often a positive experience, you can’t be too naïve about it. Basically, doing it in moderation can keep the spark alive but overdosing on it can be detrimental for your relationship.
We see several benefits of smoking cannabis with your partner. Please note, these benefits are referring to individuals who occasionally use cannabis rather than getting high together on a regular basis:
It can align each other’s moods and thoughts – when you get high with your partner, it enhances your connection with each other and your ideas tend to align with theirs.
It doubles your creative energy as a couple – whether drawing, playing music, or writing, being creative after smoking cannabis is a great source of enjoyment,
It enhances physical intimacy and sex – getting high together increases our mental and physical sensitivities, thereby making physical intimacy very special – whether it’s sexual or not.
It helps you unwind together – one of the primary reasons couples love smoking weed together is because it enables them to relax and unwind together. Consequently, relaxing with your partner can be a very satisfying experience.
It makes us smile and laugh – smoking cannabis with your partner brings out smiles and laughter which can make you more attractive to one another.
It promotes intuitive understanding – it’s safe to say that smoking weed enhances your ability to communicate and become more intuitive.
Prior to smoking together, couples should always discuss cannabis use together, if not just for the sake of conversation but to express each other’s expectations regarding the experience. When smoking together, enhance your experience by using the highest quality smoking accessories. We have a large collection of unique products to enhance your smoking experience. To learn more, contact Tank Glass by sending us your questions to support@tankglass.us.
beaker bong
What is Cannabis Microdosing and what are Its Benefits?
If you enjoy the many benefits of smoking weed, but it’s hurting your productivity, you might want to consider microdosing your cannabis. Although you won’t experience the high you’re accustomed to, you’ll still enjoy most of the benefits that weed provides while at the same time staying lucid and productive. While the term “microdosing” has its roots in the psychedelic 60’s, cannabis is an ideal candidate for this practice as well.
Furthermore, microdosing your CBD and/or THC intake may enable you to boost your creativity and focus, provide sensitive smokers with a more pleasant experience, and reduce the likelihood of the typical side effects. Additionally, microdosing cannabis has some attractive benefits, including but not limited to the ones listed here:
It enhances your creativity – the same can be said for a person’s creativity as their focus. Some artists and musicians prefer drawing from their creative mental space after consuming larger doses of cannabis while others find improved cognitive endurance and greater successes by microdosing their weed instead. It has been seen that mild use can enhance your brain activity.
It helps during withdrawal – whether you choose to quit smoking weed altogether or just want to take a brief break from it, microdosing cannabis will help to fend off those unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Although this may seem counterintuitive, taking smaller doses of THC can help you reset your endocannabinoid system gradually over time which is a much gentler option than quitting cold turkey.
It helps minimize the side effects – as with other substances, cannabis is not without some side effects. Microdosing allows you to experience some of weed’s benefits without the same level of dry mouth, potential anxiety, and “red eye syndrome.”
It increases your focus – subjectively speaking, veteran microdosers find that smaller quantities of cannabis enable them to focus more effectively than if they consumer normal to larger doses. This can lead to individuals being distracted and, in some cases, overwhelmed by the high they’re experiencing.
It’s a great starting point for novice smokers – when you consider the potency or strength of many current cannabis strains, microdosing enables new smokers to take a smaller, graduated dose of cannabis instead of jumping in blind. By slowly increasing each ensuing amount, you’ll find the dose that works best for you.
As a rule of thumb, start low and proceed slowly. Going fast would nullify the whole experience. Once you’re confident that you’re doing it right, you can microdose throughout your daily routine. You can browse our collection of smoking aids and see what works out best for you. For more information, contact Tank Glass today at support@tankglass.us.
beaker bong
Should You consider Cloning Your Cannabis?
Whether you grow your own cannabis plants for medicinal or recreational use or if you’ve considered starting to do so, you might want to consider cloning your plants instead of growing them from seed. Cloning is an easy and ideal way to preserve a plant’s genetics and growth from one generation to another. You’ll have to start growing your plants in normal fashion, but once they get going, you shouldn’t have to purchase seeds ever again.
What exactly is Cannabis Cloning?
While cloning refers to the process of producing individual organisms with the identical or near identical DNA, cloning cannabis is the process wherein a piece of a flowering plant is cut off, replanted, and nurtured until it begins to grow on its own. The process is referred to as cloning because it produces an exact copy of the mother plant. Although this may not seem like some significant event, the daughter plant will have the same genes, growing qualities, and traits as the original plant.
Consequently, if you clone a plant with high levels of cannabinoids and produce a large number of flowers, your chances of the daughter plant being identical are very high. Best of all, you want have to spend your money and time trying to start your plants from seed. Furthermore, cannabis cloning is dramatically different from growing plants from seed in that the seed contains different genetics from the mother plant. That’s just the way the biology of cannabis cloning works.
It’s all about choosing the right Plant
Unfortunately, not all cannabis strains make good cloning subjects. In fact, there are cases where plants of the same strain won’t make good cloning subjects. The bottom line is that it’s all about choosing the right mother plant to cut from. You need to ensure that you select the cannabis plant with the proper combination of characteristics and qualities if you want to maximize the bud yield. Basically, the strain is essential to the growing qualities and affects you want to achieve with the end product.
So, the question is should you try to clone your own cannabis? If you’re the type of person who always purchases their weed at a dispensary and let someone else worry about growing it, then trying to clone cannabis probably isn’t a good idea. On the other hand, if you’ve grown at least one crop of a particular strain, cloning is something you should try.
If you would like information on the best smoking accessories on the market today, send your inquiries to support@tankglass.us today. Additionally, you can browse our products gallery online to suit your need for beakers, bongs and pipes of various designs and sizes.
glass pipe
4 Types of Pests that can ruin Your Cannabis Crops
There are numerous organisms that are associated with different types of cannabis, some of which can be very beneficial while others are extremely harmful. Those that are considered harmful to cannabis grown indoors are pests such as aphids, fungus gnats, spider mites, and thrips. The following information will help you identify these pests and the grow room environmental conditions that are conducive to their rapid breeding and spreading.
Although they are quite small, aphids are visible to the naked eye. They may be black, brown, or yellow in color and while adults typically have wings, their young don’t. This pest sucks the leaf tissue and secretes a sticky, sugary substance that attracts ants. Most species of aphids multiply at temperatures from 68° F to 82° F (20° C to 28° C) and relative humidity ranging from 50% to 80%.
Fungus Gnats
Fungus gnats look like small flies and, just like aphids, are visible to the naked eye. These pests are attracted to cannabis crops and initially breed in the when humidity levels are high. Although they don’t eat the plant, their larvae may eat the root hairs. When a plant is infected with fungus gnats, the leaves turn yellow and wilt. Their ideal breeding and growing environment is warm and wet with higher-than-normal humidity levels. So don’t overwater your plants.
Spider Mites
As one of the more common pests found on cannabis crops, spider mites are small arachnids with a population comprised of nearly 1,200 different species. Furthermore, these pests often require the use of a magnifying glass to spot them. They are less than 1 mm or 0.04 inches in size and are typically brown, green, or red in color. They breed and multiply quickly when temperatures reach 80° F (27° C) and humidity levels are 60% or lower.
These small sap-sucking insects feed on cannabis plants while living inside them. Most thrips have elongated bodies that range from 0.6 to 3 mm or 0.02 to 0.12 inches in length. They often appear like small dots moving on the leaves of the plant. Early warning signs of thrips are shiny silvery and white that looks similar to rice grains on the plant’s leaves. When temperatures are high – 77°F to 80° F (25° C to 27° C) – and humidity levels are between 60% and 85%, thrips tend to reproduce quickly.Apart from using good quality herbs and cannabis for your smoking pleasure, it helps to have the right smoking apparatus. Whether you prefer a water pipe, beaker or bong, check our eclectic collection online. For information regarding the highest quality smoking accessories available, contact Tank Glass with your questions at support@tankglass.us.
beaker bong
How does Medical Cannabis differ from Recreational Cannabis?
In recent years, we’ve seen an increase in the use of medical cannabis. However, we’ve also seen an increased use of recreational varieties as well. Regardless of the form in which it’s consumed, the evidence has clearly shown that there are numerous benefits of medicinal strains. While medical and recreational marijuana are smoked by different people, there are significant differences between the two varieties to be aware of. So we ask the question, how does medical cannabis differ from recreational strains?
Advantages and benefits – depending on the country or state that the patient lives in, medical cannabis entitles them to a broad range of benefits. These benefits aren’t available to individuals who use recreational cannabis. Some of the benefits include higher quantity doses, legal access for minors with cancer and epilepsy, lower prices and taxes, and THC potency limits.
CBD and THC Levels – the primary difference between medical cannabis and recreational cannabis is the CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) levels. While CBD is a proven medical remedy for numerous conditions, THC is what causes the high we feel.
Ease of access and availability – due to legal restrictions, possession of recreational cannabis can still have legal consequences in many and isn’t readily available. On the other hand, medicinal cannabis is readily available for those individuals who require it from medicinal purposes.
Legal issues – there are legal aspects involved with both varieties. While medical cannabis is widely accepted for its medicinal benefits, recreational cannabis still faces a lot of legal challenges and restrictions.
Quality – there is a significant difference between the quality of medical cannabis and recreational cannabis. While they both are grown in similar fashion, there are certain differences in the cultivation and production processes. These differences depend on whether the final product is for medicinal or recreational purposes.
Shopping experiences – another key difference between medical cannabis and recreational cannabis is the way in which a person shops for the product. Patients must show there medical cannabis card and photo ID when shopping for the medical variety whereas stores that sell the recreational strains aren’t allowed to give medical advice.
Variety of purpose – while recreational cannabis is used for personal satisfaction and social enjoyment, medical cannabis is used for its medicinal benefits as well. Since medicinal cannabis can be used by minors and the elderly, it’s more versatile.
Whether you smoke a medicinal or recreational strain, it’s important to use a high-quality smoking accessory when you do. We know that you have a personal preferences of beakers, pipes and bongs. We have a wide range of accessories to suit all your needs. For information about our products, e-mail your questions to Tank Glass at support@tankglass.us.