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effect of cannabis
Joints and Spliffs – What’s the difference?
There is a diverse range of options when it comes to consuming or smoking cannabis today. You have blunts, bongs, dabs, pipes, vape pens, and other devices that can vaporize your favorite concentrate or strain almost instantly. However, joints and spliffs are still the most basic and common methods preferred among many veteran cannabis users throughout the US today.
Joints are commonly rolled up in thin smoking papers but can also be made using empty cigarette tube with a filter attached. This helps prevent burning one’s fingertips or lips when holding it and refines your smoking experience. Joints are usually more compact and slimmer, but you can put as much weed in them as you want. For those of you who prefer smoking pure clean cannabis, joints are the go-to choose.
Spliffs are basically joints that contain marijuana and regular tobacco. Surprisingly, smoking spliffs isn’t something new that the younger generations concocted. Even with all the new weed delivery methods out there, spliffs are popular on a global scale. You may be thinking that only tobacco smokers prefer spliffs. But the reality is that cannabis smokers who don’t use regular tobacco with oftentimes use a little in their joints.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Joints
There are several advantages to smoking a joint that are worth noting. First, they can be rolled quickly and easily. They are easily carried in cigarette packs or small carrying cases. You can light them and put them out repeatedly, making it convenient to take a few hits now and again later on. There’s also the social experience involved when passing a joint among friends. Although there aren’t many disadvantages, the primary one is that they will burn quickly or unevenly they’re rolled too loosely or too tightly.
Although cannabis has shown medicinal properties, it helps to use cannabis wisely. If you are doing it for recreational purposes, enjoy using glass beakers and bongs on regular basis.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Spliffs
Mixing nicotine with THC can provide a different experience compared to that of a joint. However, this just depends on the smoker. Spliffs are characteristically more discreet than joints since the tobacco can mask some of the familiar cannabis aroma. But the big disadvantage to smoking a spliff is that the tobacco used in spliffs is potentially addictive and carcinogenic.
The bottom line is that joints and spliffs have advantages and disadvantages to be aware of. At the end of the day, the real difference between the two may just come down to a matter of preference. For the finest smoking experience, you can have, visit the Tank Glass website and browse through our fine line of accessories.
effect of cannabis
Short-Term Effects Of Smoking Cannabis On Memory
One of the most important questions that first-time cannabis smokers often ask is “Does smoking cannabis affect a person’s short-term memory?” The short answer is “YES.” However, acknowledging this opens the door to smoking weed in a way that minimizes its negative impact. Anyone who smokes weed on a regular basis is well aware of the ways it impacts their short-term memory.Whether it’s about forgetting what someone just said to you, forgetting what you just said to them, or getting halfway through what you were saying and forgetting the rest, the effects are easy to perceive. Here are 7 short-term effects on the different facets of a person’s short-term memory:
Attention – while attention is not a form of short-term memory, memory is completely dependent on paying attention. Understanding how cannabis adversely affects our short-term memory might not be possible without understanding how it impacts our ability to pay attention.
Emotional memory – although they are typically minimal in nature, the short-term effects on emotional memory are always present. With the exception of remembering negative emotional cues, emotional processing is usually uninhibited.
Learning and memory – when it comes to cannabis adversely affecting learning and memory, research findings clearly indicate a clear correlation. Not so surprisingly, consuming more cannabis resulted in decreased or poor recall. That is one of the reasons that students get poor grades when they use these substances.
Motor memory – studies show that cannabis reduces motor inhibition, in other words, your ability to stop an ongoing task. This was tested by employing a “stop signal” task – starting a motor action on a start signal then halting it on a stop signal.
Spatial memory – the ability to recognize and remember specific environmental details is known as spatial memory. It’s what enables us to find our way out of a maze or recall where we left our car or house keys.
Verbal memory – cannabis adversely impacts verbal and non-verbal memory alike. It’s one of the more observable effects of smoking cannabis. When this type of memory is affected, it’s often difficult to keep track of conversations. However, it is short term and wears off eventually when you stop smoking it.
Working memory – this is the ability of a person to process information in real time. It’s typically utilized in the learning process and enables you to build connections. It’s also about your ability to further process a train of thought.
Although we have a considerable way to go when it comes to understanding how cannabis impacts memory, we do know it’s likely to be negative. However, for the best smoking experience, check out the high-quality accessories at Tank Glass by e-mailing your questions to support@tankglass.us.
beaker bong
How does Medical Cannabis differ from Recreational Cannabis?
In recent years, we’ve seen an increase in the use of medical cannabis. However, we’ve also seen an increased use of recreational varieties as well. Regardless of the form in which it’s consumed, the evidence has clearly shown that there are numerous benefits of medicinal strains. While medical and recreational marijuana are smoked by different people, there are significant differences between the two varieties to be aware of. So we ask the question, how does medical cannabis differ from recreational strains?
Advantages and benefits – depending on the country or state that the patient lives in, medical cannabis entitles them to a broad range of benefits. These benefits aren’t available to individuals who use recreational cannabis. Some of the benefits include higher quantity doses, legal access for minors with cancer and epilepsy, lower prices and taxes, and THC potency limits.
CBD and THC Levels – the primary difference between medical cannabis and recreational cannabis is the CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) levels. While CBD is a proven medical remedy for numerous conditions, THC is what causes the high we feel.
Ease of access and availability – due to legal restrictions, possession of recreational cannabis can still have legal consequences in many and isn’t readily available. On the other hand, medicinal cannabis is readily available for those individuals who require it from medicinal purposes.
Legal issues – there are legal aspects involved with both varieties. While medical cannabis is widely accepted for its medicinal benefits, recreational cannabis still faces a lot of legal challenges and restrictions.
Quality – there is a significant difference between the quality of medical cannabis and recreational cannabis. While they both are grown in similar fashion, there are certain differences in the cultivation and production processes. These differences depend on whether the final product is for medicinal or recreational purposes.
Shopping experiences – another key difference between medical cannabis and recreational cannabis is the way in which a person shops for the product. Patients must show there medical cannabis card and photo ID when shopping for the medical variety whereas stores that sell the recreational strains aren’t allowed to give medical advice.
Variety of purpose – while recreational cannabis is used for personal satisfaction and social enjoyment, medical cannabis is used for its medicinal benefits as well. Since medicinal cannabis can be used by minors and the elderly, it’s more versatile.
Whether you smoke a medicinal or recreational strain, it’s important to use a high-quality smoking accessory when you do. We know that you have a personal preferences of beakers, pipes and bongs. We have a wide range of accessories to suit all your needs. For information about our products, e-mail your questions to Tank Glass at support@tankglass.us.
How Does Delta-9 THC Differ from Delta-8 THC?
Several months back, a new cannabinoid was introduced to the cannabis marketplace, although many individuals are unaware of this newcomer. Even veteran smokers who smoke every day may not be able to tell you what Delta-8 THC does. Delta-9 THC is the chemical that gives you the classic cannabis “high” and has a chemical structure that is similar to Delta-8 THC. Since they’re both derived from the Sativa family, it’s no wonder that they’re easily confused with one another.
In order to understand these two varieties, it’s important to have a better understanding of what THC is. THC stands for “tetrahydrocannabinol”, the chemical in marijuana that gives it its psychoactive and psychological effects. Furthermore, it is one of several compounds that are found in the resins secreted by the marijuana plant’s glands. THC acts in similar fashion to the cannabinoid chemicals produced naturally by our bodies and can affect our coordination, memory, pleasure, thinking, and time perception.
What is Delta-9 THC?
Delta-9 THC is the compound responsible for that provides that outstanding cannabis high by affecting the CB and CB2 receptors in the central nervous system (CNS). Stimulation of these receptors causes the endocannabinoid system (ECS) to influence our moods and the way we control hunger, experience different emotions, and react to pain. Delta-9 THC is what gives cannabis its potency.In lower doses, Delta-9 THC offers therapeutic benefits such as improved sleep habits, mood improvement, and muscle relaxation. However, when consumed in higher doses, the psychoactive properties of Delta-9 THC and lead to anxiety, euphoria, increased heart rate, and several other similar symptoms. So despite the fact that Delta-9 THC is safe and non-toxic, you should be aware of your proper does and not exceed that.
What is Delta-8 THC?
Delta-8 THC is also a cannabinoid found in the marijuana plant. However, it’s also found in industrial hemp plants. It provides the same beneficial properties of THC only without the overs-stimulating effects caused by Delta-9 THC. And while Delta-8 THC is less potent, it can be found in full spectrum CBD products such as CBD concentrate and CBD oil. You can find a variety of products that have various amounts of CBD for your requirement. When the two are combined, they can provide healing and therapeutic properties such as improved mood and overall relaxation. You’ll often find Delta-8 THC in a broad range of products due do its therapeutic, uplifting properties. Additionally, it is legal in most states. For more information about these compounds, send an e-mail with your questions to Tank Glass at support@tankglass.us. We have a large variety of smoking accessories including bongs, beakers and pipes. Check it out online.
effect of cannabis
How long does THC stay in Your Blood, Hair, Saliva, and Urine?
So you’re applying for a new job when you see the paragraph on the application that asks you if you’ll consent to a pre-employment drug test or that you’ll be subject to random testing while you’re in that company’s employ. If this sounds familiar, you probably wondered about the length of time that marijuana stays in your system. Obviously, you don’t want this to hinder getting that new job. On the other hand, you don’t want to quit smoking it either.
How long does Weed remain in Your System?
Drug testing can involve blood, hair, saliva, or urine samples. Keep in mind that the timeframes quoted on how long THC remains in these different testing samples are general, not exact or guaranteed. The following will shed some light on the amount of time that THC remains in each sample:
Blood – although drug tests involving blood samples are uncommon, the presence of THC will depend on how frequently you smoke. Generally speaking, the THC can be detected in a blood sample 24 to 48 hours after smoking. However, if you’re a daily smoker, it can linger up to 25 days or longer.
Hair – hair follicle testing isn’t as common as it once was. What we do know is that hair has the lengthiest detection window. For most individuals, the presence of THC in hair can be detected up to 90 days after you smoked last regardless of your frequency of use. This means that you have to be extremely careful with your usage if the employer is going to test a sample of your hair.
Saliva – like urine tests, saliva tests provide quick results at an affordable cost. Plus, they’re considerably more convenient than urine tests. The general timeframe for how long THC lingers in a person’s saliva is 1 to 3 days in occasional users and up to 30 days for individuals that smoke on a daily basis.
Urine sample – the length of time that THC remains in urine depends on how often an individual smokes. Typically, the more you consume, the greater the length of time that cannabinoids remain in your urine. If you smoke occasionally, it may only remain 3 or 4 days; if you’re a moderate smoker, 5 to 7 days; and if you smoke daily, it can remain between 10 and 30 days.
If you have been looking to add eclectic pipes, water bongs or glass beakers to your collection of smoking accessories, we have a unique range available online. You may browse it to select the best for your use. To learn more about how long THC lingers in your system, contact Tank Glass by sending us a message at support@tankglass.us.
effect of cannabis
Fun Things to do when You get High with Your Friends
It’s always fun to relax and hang out with friends. However, adding marijuana to the equation can make those gatherings even better. Of course, you can always just relax on the couch and enjoy a bowl or two, but why not have a little fun while all of you are high? If you need some ideas, here are some suggestions.
Fun Things to do Indoors when You’re High
Spending nights indoors may seem kind of tame, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring. Here are some activities that are more laid back yet can be exciting and fun when you and your friends get high beforehand:
Baking or cooking – what goes better with a great high than enjoying some of your favorite foods. The next time you fall prey to the munchies try baking or cooking with your friends.
Board games – why not break out some of your old favorites like Life, Monopoly, or Scrabble. Board games are the perfect way to bring friends together when stoned.
Card games – whether it’s Hearts, Poker, or Uno, card games are the perfect way to keep all of you engaged after getting high.
Listen to some music – sometimes, when you just want to chill with your friends, why not listen to some of your favorite tunes and just “zone out.”
Video games – from Grand Theft Auto to Mario Kart, just about any type of video game can be fun when you get high.
Fun Things to do Outdoors when You’re High
As long as you avoid doing anything dangerous, you and your friends can experience nature, go out on the town, or participate in some fun activities. Here are some fun things to do outdoors when you’re high:
Go exploring – when you’re outdoors, there’s no limit to what you can do. Exploring without a plan can be a lot more fun, especially when you’re high.
Go star-gazing – if you’re looking for a transcendental experience to enjoy, lay a blanket on the ground and go star-gazing for an hour or two.
Head for the beach – whether you explore the shops or go swimming, the beach is always enjoyable, especially when you and your friends are high.
Try a new restaurant – instead of going out for your favorite comfort foods, mix it up a little and try something new.
Visit a museum – from art galleries to history museums, checking out new exhibits when you’re high can take that experience to the next level.
And if you are looking to buy a new pipe, beaker or bong, you would be delighted to see the wide range of smoking accessories available at our website. You can browse the range and buy the product online. For more information, e-mail your questions to Tank Glass at support@tankglass.us
Cannabis CA
When are the conditions ideal for growing Marijuana in California?
Growing marijuana outdoors on one’s property can be quite a challenging task. While indoor cannabis growing can be costly at first, having access to a private, sunny outdoor area can make things a lot easier and considerably less expensive. Basically, cannabis plants require the same conditions as tomatoes. However, a tomato plant will usually produce fruit with the proper amount of care. Conversely, attention to detail is crucial when it comes to growing marijuana, especially if a larger yield is the ultimate goal.
When is the best Time to plant Marijuana Outdoors?
When it comes to getting started with your cannabis crop, timing is critical. If you plant too early, the cold will likely decimate your plants. The same is true if you plant too late in the year as your plants could be the victim of an early fall frost depending on where you live. Thus, it’s important to understand the life cycles of the cannabis strain that you’re planning on growing. The survival of your plants depends on the climate in your region of the state.While it’s relatively easy to manipulate air flow and humidity indoors, you’re subject to the elements of nature when growing your plants outdoors. Ideally, the warm summer months prove to be the optimum growing period. However, this depends on the region you’re located in. You should consider starting your plants indoors under grow lights before transplanting them outdoors. So, when is the best time of year to grow cannabis in California?There is a lot of climate diversity to contend with when growing your cannabis outdoors in California. For example, Northern California growers have to contend with cooler temperatures, rain, and other climate conditions seen along Oregon’s coast. However, the soil quality is somewhat better than that of their counterparts to the south. On the other hand, Southern California growers are fortunate to have drier air and plenty of sunshine similar to what you’d see in the high desert region of central Oregon.Growing cannabis outdoors your property can be a complex process but, it can also be an enjoyable experience. You shouldn’t let the growing requirements intimidate you. However, be sure you do plenty of research before getting started on your venture. In the long run, this could help you get a running start on your first crop while at the same time saving you a considerable amount of time and money. Additionally, if you are looking for smoking apparatus to smoke the fresh weed, browse the collection at our website. Select a bong, pipe or beaker and enjoy a leisurely smoke. For more information, call Tank Glass today at (323)-364-7952.
effect of cannabis
Will drinking Alcohol help You pass a Drug Test?
While it has often been said that “desperate times call for desperate measures”, there are few if any situations that are less dire than a surprise drug test. Granted, the internet offers an abundance of search results and advice for detoxifying your system prior to getting tested for marijuana. Unfortunately, some advice is questionable, if not unreliable such as the contention that alcohol can help with the detoxification process. Read on as we dissect this notion.
Diuretic Effects of Alcohol
Your pituitary gland secretes an anti-diuretic hormone called vasopressin whenever you get thirsty. This minimizes the rate at which urine is produced and helps your body preserve water. Alcohol reduces how much vasopressin the body releases. Therefore, as less vasopressin is produced, you release more water as urine. Consequently, it follows then that drinking more alcohol will cause you to urinate more often and thereby increase the rate that you remove THC from your body.So will drinking alcohol help you pass that unexpected drug test? Although studies have shown that consuming alcohol might help someone lose weight, it probably won’t burn enough fat to help you pass a drug test. While the rule of thumb is that drinking 8 oz. of alcohol daily will help you burn fat, there are certain variables that will derail the idea that it will enable you to pass a drug test. For example, the type of alcohol you drink and your percentage of body fat could negate the desired results.
Drinking Alcohol to burn Fat and pass a Drug Test
Part of the misconception that alcohol could help you pass a drug test is based on the idea that alcohol may have fat-burning qualities. While it has been suggested that you can lose weight by drinking alcohol, there isn’t any concrete evidence to support that other than the fact that you will lose weight if you substitute alcohol for solid food. So where is the correlation between drinking alcohol and passing a drug test?When you smoke marijuana, your body uses the THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol in cannabis by turning it into metabolites that are stored in your fat cells. By burning fat cells, the metabolites are released into the bloodstream and eventually released from your body in your urine. However, despite all the other effects that alcohol has on the human body, burning enough fat cells to pass a drug test isn’t one of them.Our business representatives are available to answer your queries. To shop online, check out the beakers, bongs and pipes available at our website. For the finest in beaker style smoking accessories, call Tank Glass at (323)-364-7952.
beaker bongs
What is Caryophyllene?
Caryophyllene is the chemical compound found in cannabis that gives it its pungent smell and taste. Unfortunately, most of us have never heard of it because it’s often overshadowed by its cannabinoid cousins CBD and THC. Caryophyllene or more specifically beta-caryophyllene is one of the common terpenes found in marijuana. If you’re wondering what it smells and tastes like, imagine a compound made up of basil, cinnamon, cloves, and oregano.
Getting to know Terpenes
Terpenes are the chemical compounds found in cannabis plants that produce a broad range of flavors and smells. They are subdivided into two categories:
Monoterpenes – lighter terpenes that are responsible for numerous floral scents such as apple, geranium, jasmine, kiwi, and rose
Sesquiterpenes – heavier terpenes responsible for more pungent scents such as diesel fuel, musk, patchouli, skunk, and tea tree (caryophyllene is a Sesquiterpene)
Interestingly enough, it is the unique combinations of certain terpenes that those non-plant smells such as diesel fuel and skunk. However, terpenes are not just unique to cannabis and are commonly found is a wide range of plants in a variety of combinations and quantities. Furthermore, terpenes offer numerous health benefits and can be useful in the treatment of:
loss of appetite
muscle strain
Does this mean that you can use caryophyllene to treat all of these disorders? No. But we have listed caryophyllene’s beneficial effects in the next section.
Benefits and Effects
The benefits and effects of caryophyllene can be combined into a single category, hence the reference above to “beneficial effects.” These beneficial effects include:
Anti-inflammatory – caryophyllene research has shown that it can treat just about everything from allergies to osteoarthritis and that it may be used in the future in the care and management of certain chronic inflammatory conditions
Antioxidant – another one of caryophyllene’s beneficial effects is its antioxidant qualities. Antioxidants help to remove unstable atoms known as free radicals from the body, thereby preventing damage to cells that can cause aging and illness
Anti-tumoral – because caryophyllene has anti-inflammatory qualities, it could potentially serve as an anti-tumoral. Recent research has revealed promising results suggesting that caryophyllene may help to encourage anti-metastatic activity. Studies are still ongoing about the
Sedative – marijuana’s ability to help you sleep and its sedative qualities are well-known side effects. Recent caryophyllene research has indicated that extremely high doses of the compound may have sedative effects on lab mice.
To learn more about caryophyllene or for information about the high-quality beaker style smoking accessories we sell, call Tank Glass today at (323)-364-7952. Explore the wide line of glass beakers, bongs and pipes to suit your smoking requirements today.