How long does THC stay in Your Blood, Hair, Saliva, and Urine?

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So you’re applying for a new job when you see the paragraph on the application that asks you if you’ll consent to a pre-employment drug test or that you’ll be subject to random testing while you’re in that company’s employ. If this sounds familiar, you probably wondered about the length of time that marijuana stays in your system. Obviously, you don’t want this to hinder getting that new job. On the other hand, you don’t want to quit smoking it either.

How long does Weed remain in Your System?

Drug testing can involve blood, hair, saliva, or urine samples. Keep in mind that the timeframes quoted on how long THC remains in these different testing samples are general, not exact or guaranteed. The following will shed some light on the amount of time that THC remains in each sample:

  • Blood – although drug tests involving blood samples are uncommon, the presence of THC will depend on how frequently you smoke. Generally speaking, the THC can be detected in a blood sample 24 to 48 hours after smoking. However, if you’re a daily smoker, it can linger up to 25 days or longer.
  • Hair – hair follicle testing isn’t as common as it once was. What we do know is that hair has the lengthiest detection window. For most individuals, the presence of THC in hair can be detected up to 90 days after you smoked last regardless of your frequency of use. This means that you have to be extremely careful with your usage if the employer is going to test a sample of your hair.
  • Saliva – like urine tests, saliva tests provide quick results at an affordable cost. Plus, they’re considerably more convenient than urine tests. The general timeframe for how long THC lingers in a person’s saliva is 1 to 3 days in occasional users and up to 30 days for individuals that smoke on a daily basis.
  • Urine sample – the length of time that THC remains in urine depends on how often an individual smokes. Typically, the more you consume, the greater the length of time that cannabinoids remain in your urine. If you smoke occasionally, it may only remain 3 or 4 days; if you’re a moderate smoker, 5 to 7 days; and if you smoke daily, it can remain between 10 and 30 days.

If you have been looking to add eclectic pipes, water bongs or glass beakers to your collection of smoking accessories, we have a unique range available online. You may browse it to select the best for your use. To learn more about how long THC lingers in your system, contact Tank Glass by sending us a message at

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