beaker bong

The Benefits of Smoking Cannabis out of a Bong

It’s unfortunate that there’s a lack of research about cannabis consumption habits and the impact on your health. NORML state coordinator, Dr. Dale Gieringer recommends is to smoke a stronger strain so you don’t inhale as many harmful toxins. In other words, when you smoke more potent cannabis, you consume a smaller quantity of plant matter but can still achieve the desired effect. The idea is simple: First, bongs help you conserve your cannabis which in turn saves you money. Second, you now have more money and can afford higher-quality product. Finally, you consume less plant matter but get the same result. Eating edibles or smoking cannabis in a dry-herb vaporizer is the healthiest ways to smoke. However, many consumers often have difficulties adapting to a thinner vapor. As a result, they often find themselves wanting more flavor and an immediate effect. On the other hand, waiting for an hour or more for an edible to kick in can act as a deterrent, even though the effects may last longer. Thus, everyone has their own way of getting a high. Why is smoking through a Bong healthier for You? Another reason that smoking cannabis out of a bong is healthier for you is because the smoke is filtered by the water in the base of it, unlike a joint or pipe that provides no filtration at all. A study conducted by a group of Harvard Schools of Public Health researchers in conjunction with the University of Texas found that smoking through a bong removes two toxic substances – acetaldehyde and acrolein. These substances negatively affect the immune system and the lung’s defense cells. This makes it a healthier smoking option as compared to rolling a joint. 4 Benefits of smoking Cannabis through a Bong So why do so many smokers prefer a bong to a dry pipe or a joint? Simply stated, it’s all about the following benefits of smoking cannabis through a bong: For many individuals, the smoother hits you get when smoking through a bong is the biggest benefit of all. Second, it doesn’t take a lot of education to use a bong. While rolling a joint properly can be a challenging task, using a bong is relatively simple. Third, although more maintenance is required when using a bong (you can throw a joint away when you’re done with it), the maintenance is very easy. Finally, bongs are available in a broad range of colors, sizes, and costs. If you are looking for glass pipes and bongs for a new smoking experience, it is time to look online. For additional information about our assortment of bongs, visit our website or contact us by clicking here.
effect of cannabis

Can the Effects of Cannabis be influenced by a Person’s Genes?

Potency, strain, and type of consumption are all significant factors that play a part in the way in which the effects of smoking cannabis affect each individual person. However, each individual has their own set of variables such as age, frequency of consumption, gender, and percentage of body fat just to name a few. If you’ve spent time smoking cannabis with friends you’ve probably noticed a broad variety of responses to it, even though everyone is smoking the same strain.For example, some may burst into laughter while others may start daydreaming. Some may become anxious or paranoid while others become “couch potatoes.” In any event, researchers have actually been curious and have conducted research into why people respond differently. So, it begs the question “Can the effects of cannabis be influenced by a person’s genes?” One of several things they’ve learned is that a person’s genes may play a significant role in the way that smoking cannabis affects us. Cannabis and Neurotransmitters In 2019, Canada’s University of Western Ontario researchers conducted a study that focused on how smoking cannabis can have such diverse effects on people. The study was conducted on rodents and enabled researchers to identify specific regions of the brain that could produce either negative or positive effects on the person. Researchers found that when rats are exposed to THC, it produced rewarding effects in the frontal lobe.The frontal lobe plays a key role in the pleasure and reward circuit of the brain through neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine plays a significant role in arousal, executive function, motivation, and reward while serotonin helps to produce feelings of well-being and happiness while stabilizing a person’s moods. This region of the brain enables animals and humans to identify the presence of a threat and react to it. Another essential aspect of cannabis intoxication is the reward circuitry in the brain. That part of the brain affects the memory and emotions, producing pleasurable sensations which leads to intake of cannabis to get that high again. Genetic Variables Although people with argue the point that addiction to cannabis is non-existent, a variation on the gene known as CHRNA2 can elevate the risk of becoming addicted or dependent on cannabis at the very least. However, trying to define “cannabis addiction” can be somewhat tricky. This is because studies on substance abuse often confuse addiction with dependency.Another genetic variable occurs with the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors in your body and the variations of them that oftentimes occur. These are considered genetic mutations that can alter the body’s responses to cannabis and other substances and dramatically impact one’s health.
cannabis legalization

Traveling? How Cannabis Laws Will Affect You From State to State

Today, we’re seeing more states recognize the health implications of marijuana as well as the economic implications. But because we live in a country of 50 very different states with their own take on marijuana laws, it's often downright confusing to understand the laws as they will apply to you as a user, especially if you’re traveling interstate. State Laws Vary, As You Know And these laws are not just different from state to state but have multiple nuances from county to county and sometimes even municipality to municipality. Obviously, traveling to a state where cannabis is not legal sets you up for risk. But how does the law affect you if you're traveling from a place where it is legal to one where it is also legal?Although the laws are constantly morphing, the legality behind it all is that you need to be very careful when traveling with cannabis products, even when you’re going to another area where it is legal. Traveling Interstate with Marijuana is Still a Federal Offense Even if you are going to another state with lenient cannabis laws, federal law still says it's illegal. And federal authorities have been clear that they allow states to enforce their own laws concerning cannabis. But there are certain areas where the federal government has jurisdiction over state laws. And one of those areas is in the way of interstate commerce. In other words, if you bring cannabis products over state lines, you can still be charged and prosecuted. States Don’t Recognize or Abide By Another State’s Rules Another snafu is the way state laws have differing standards. To avoid federal problems, these state standards must be abided by. In most cases, the product must be locally grown and can only be used in the state where the product is licensed. While states will offer what is called full faith and credit between states such as drivers licenses, this does not work the same way for marijuana laws. Because there are still a minimum of states that have fully legalized marijuana, transporting it over state lines would be considered a crime even if it was purchased legally in the state of origin. Wait Until You Get There Because federal laws still prohibit marijuana and transportation is considered a federal crime, it’s best just to leave it at home and purchase it when you get to your destination. Even then, you want to understand the laws of where you are purchasing so you don’t expose yourself to legal risk. Wonder what the laws are in the state where you are traveling to? Do Your Research Because marijuana laws change rapidly, it’s important to consult an updated legalization map that sets out the marijuana laws across the United States. The Defense Information Systems Agency, otherwise known as DISA, puts out a marijuana legalization map that is updated on a monthly basis setting out all you need to know about legalization at your destination. Happy traveling!
Cannabis CA

New Cannabis Legislation in California

Here in California, our legislature closed out the week with some improvements to reforms in marijuana taxes and expanding the industry’s access to banking. Once they make it to the governor’s desk, they are now set to shape the marijuana industry further into the future. Industry advocates have been looking to 2020 as a transformative year with regard to marijuana legislation but then COVID-19 happened. But the silver lining there was that local regulators decided that the industry was essential which allowed dispensaries to stay open even amid shutdowns in some areas. Senate Bill 67 Other news was Senate Bill 67 which will allow growers and producers to designate the region where the marijuana is grown, much like our wine industry. This is significant to ensure against false and misleading labeling and advertising. Under this bill, marijuana must be grown in the geographically designated area that it is using in its advertising. Growers feel this will help them preserve the integrity of their product, especially those who grow craft products relying on the soil and topography of a particular area.  Possible Tax Relief Since marijuana was first legalized, California taxes concerning the industry have been some of the highest in the nation. While reforms to Assembly Bill 1872 aren’t as aggressive as was hoped for, they are still moving in the right direction. This bill serves to freeze any potential tax rate increases on marijuana businesses since they weren’t able to get the small business relief of other industries during COVID. Banking Availability Another issue regarding the cannabis industry is its inability to use banking and traditional financial services because of banks’ federal regulations. This has led some banks to avoid transactions with the industry. While Assembly Bill 1525 won’t do anything to remove federal regulations, it does remove any state penalties against institutions working with marijuana businesses and clients. Meanwhile, federal talks about banking and marijuana have continued with a vote on federal descheduling expected later in the month. This could allow access to banking for the entire industry, if passed. Although passed in the House already last year, the Senate has remained firm. Testing Tweaks Also on the governor’s desk are some measures for product testing changes that would allow growers to submit their unpackaged product for lab testing, making this more affordable to producers. Another measure would require more precise measurement of THC content in edibles while another would allow cannabis testing labs to offer services to law enforcement or prosecutors.  CBD Regulations What didn’t make the legislative cut was an effort to regulate hemp-derived CBD in products such as food and supplements. Despite some losses, these measures are indicative of an industry on the verge of normalization. Finally. According to Amy Jenkins, a senior policy director at the California Cannabis Industry Association and active lobbyist, “I think that’s a great testament to everything the industry has been doing to educate the legislature… It’s a testament to how far we’ve come.”We will keep you posted.

Cannabis: a Brief History

We all know that cannabis has been around for a while. But how long? Researchers have actually been studying this and published a fascinating study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in 2018. The purpose was to “provide a critical and comprehensive evaluation, from the ancient times to our days, of the ethnological, botanical, chemical and pharmacological aspects of [cannabis], with a vision for promoting further pharmaceutical research to explore its complete potential as a therapeutic agent.” So what did it find? According to research, it’s believed that cannabis and hemp were first used and grown domestically in Central and Southeast Asia. Before any medicinal qualities were discovered, the fibers from plants were used in fabrics and sophisticated baskets discovered at paleolithic sites. It’s now understood to be the oldest known cultivated plant specifically for its fibers. How it began to be used other than for fibers is a little less understood but researchers felt one plausible explanation was the discovery of its “psychotropic properties” when it was accidentally burned. But as early as 1800 BCE, we have evidence that it was used in incenses and oils in religious ceremonies to medicinal remedies for seizures.Cannabis has been referenced in many religious texts from the Old Testament “sacred oil” to Hinduism and Buddhism to facilitate communication with spirits and meditation. Medicinal use of marijuana is also somewhat murky. The researchers established a timeline from nearly five millennia ago in China, where Chinese agriculture made use of the plant pharmacologically. The texts referred to it as a medicinal solution for such things as “fatigue, rheumatism and malaria.”Although used medicinally for centuries throughout the world, marijuana/hemp first appeared here in the Americas with the colonists who brought it over primarily for its fiber strength. In fact, at one point, Massachusetts law required every household to plant hemp. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew it on their farms. So what happened? Despite all the evidence of medicinal qualities and use over the millennia, the first known prohibition was issued by a decree in 1484 by Pope Innocent VIII denouncing both the use of marijuana right up there with witchcraft. But the main bulk of prohibition came from right here in the United States in our modern 20th century with a shift from natural medicine to dangerous drug. Congress first mandated that it be shown on product labels as an addictive and dangerous ingredient which was then followed up with the Marijuana Tax Act in 1937, followed later by Parliament in the UK in 1971.Fortunately, we are coming full circle with 11 states now with legalized recreational use and 33 states with legalized medicinal use. Although it still remains illegal at the federal level, overturning prohibition is now a topic with increasingly widespread support. According to a Pew poll taken at the end of last year, 67 percent of Americans think that marijuana should be legal with opposition falling. There is hope.

What the Heck are Cannabis Terpenes?

You’ve heard plenty about cannabinoids, right? But what about terpenes?Terpenes are another one of the chemical components of cannabis. These aren’t just found in marijuana but many different plants and even in some insects. In fact, terpenes are what give us sensory feedback in the way of smells. So how is this important when it comes to marijuana?Well, there’s a thing called the “entourage effect” when it comes to the interplay between healing cannabinoids and terpenes. They are designed in nature to work together as a partnership. So, you can still get effects from individual cannabinoid components such as THC or CBD, but researchers are finding that utilizing the whole plant may be the most beneficial use. Terpenes have the ability to amplify or downplay the effects of cannabinoids. This explains why two products of similar strains can have very different aromas and effects. When it comes to cannabis, those terpenes can have a profound effect on your overall experience. Some cannabis producers are even focusing on terpenes and blends to enhance their products’ effectiveness. There are over 20,000 terpenes found in nature with cannabis having about 100 of them. But there are some that are in high concentrations in cannabis. Myrcene -- this is the terpene that is found in the highest concentration in cannabis. Some strains are almost completely made up of myrcene. This terpene most often is the determining factor behind whether a strain is an Indica or a Sativa. Low myrcene (less than 0.5 percent) will be Indica. Myrcene has a relaxing effect. Limonene -- the second-highest concentration terpene in cannabis is limonene which is also found in citrus fruits. Although not found in all strains, it has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Limonene helps to counteract stress while enhancing mood. Pinene -- Pinene is commonly found in pine trees giving them their distinctive aroma. This is further broken down into alpha and beta. Alpha has a stronger pine scent whereas beta smells more like an herb like rosemary or parsley. Pinene has the ability to widen breathing airways, has anti-inflammatory properties and has been used for centuries in medications. Linalool -- linalool is what gives lavender it’s relaxation attributes and is known for relieving stress, combating anxiety and has antidepressant attributes. Caryophyllene -- this terpene has a spicy, peppery aroma and is also found in pepper and cinnamon. It helps with anxiety, depression and has anti-inflammatory properties. Humulene -- although many cannabis strains have been known to increase appetite, those that have a high amount of humulene have been shown to help decrease appetite. These are only some of the terpenes found in our current cannabis strains. The future of cannabis may just rest as much on terpenes as cannabinoids with the future of cultivation of certain hybrid strains for particular effects. That being said, terpenes are sensitive to carbonization with each one having its own temperature threshold. Consequently, getting the full effect of a specific terpene may be limited when smoking.

Why Should You Spend the Money On a High-Quality Glass Bong?

Now that cannabis has gone mainstream, we can actually take joy in shopping around and purchasing some cool smoking implements on the market. For some of us who have “grown up” and can consider our bongs investments, nothing beats a high-quality glass bong -- or a collection of them.   For most of us, we can appreciate the advantages of a good bong. It will Produce a cooler, cleaner smoke You get a more intense experience It is convenient and reusable  But, as we know, not all bongs are good bongs. If you’ve spent any time online looking at the options for glass bongs these days, you’ve noticed that there are literally hundreds of branded and unbranded models on the market. Many are good, most are marginal, at best. So, what is the mark of a good quality bong?   Not All Glass is Alike  Especially with a lot of knock-offs and pieces coming out of China, it’s more important than ever to be able to distinguish a good water pipe from a cheaply made one. The highest quality bongs on the market are made of glass. But not all glass is created equal either.   Heat Resistance  Just like anything else we buy today, there can be a huge difference in quality depending on the raw materials that are used. Today’s high-quality bongs use what’s called scientific or borosilicate glass. This glass is made with the addition of boron trioxide which gives it a resistance to high and fluctuating temperatures. This is the same type of glass that’s used in chemical labs around the world.   Durability Durability is something you will get with glass thickness. The thickness of the glass will affect how much it can withstand as well as the weight of the bong itself. Thickness is measured in millimeters and can range from 2mm to 9mm with the heavier pieces being much more durable. The industry standard is somewhere between 3mm and 5mm but truly durable pieces are thicker and have a much better feeling of quality about them.   Functionality One of the most important reasons to buy a quality glass bong is the ability to get a cleaner and cooler smoke. The better quality the bong, the better quality your experience.   Craftsmanship Seriously, if we’re going to be into quality pieces, it stands to reason that we’re looking at an investment. The best quality bongs are created by skilled glassworking artisans and glassblowers who take a lot of pride in their work and their creations. But your bong doesn’t have to break the bank. You can get quality and functionality at a fairly reasonable price but, conversely, a quality bong will not be a cheap one.   The Serious Smoker  If you are a serious smoker, you probably know all this already. You may even have a collection of well-made quality bongs. If you do, you probably have one of our Tanks in your arsenal. If not, you’ll want to check us out.

The Essential Benefits of Using a Bong

This may be elementary for some but for those who still haven’t made their way to a smoother -- maybe even healthier -- smoking experience, looking at the benefits of a bong just may help convince you. The water pipe has been around for thousands of years in various forms. It contains 5 basic parts: The base is the bottom and comes in a variety of shapes that create a water chamber The bowl is where your dried product is packed and combusted. The carb is a hole where smoke can be cleared from the chamber by the user. The downstem is the tube where smoke travels from the bowl before it filters through the water The tube is where the smoke collects after filtering through the water   What separates it from other smoking methods is the water filtration that filters out contaminants and allows for a smoother smoke.   Bong Science 101  When the product is lit in the bowl, it combusts and changes into a gas that takes the form of smoke. When this smoke passes through the water chamber, ash and tar are filtered out. The smoke is also cooled before it reaches your mouth and lungs. When you light the dry herb, the heat from the combustion process breaks down the chemical bonds of the herb and changes the particles into a gas which takes the form of smoke. Burning your product produces both good things and bad things.   Getting the Good Stuff, Leaving the Bad Stuff The smoke stream contains all the things you want from your product but it also produces ash and tar, not to mention hot smoke. Tar is simply a catch-all term for the many compounds that combustion produces.The purpose of the bong is to filter out the undesirable particles that are carried in this smoke, so you’re just breathing in the good stuff. This is where the water comes in.   The Benefits of Filtration The bong provides a filtration process that cools the smoke as it passes through the water. When the smoke passes through the water, much of the ash and tar are filtered out as it binds to the water molecules. This filtration also gets rid of the stuff that would otherwise end up in your mouth and your lungs. Water acts like a net that catches the contaminants yet isn’t fine enough to catch the compounds that you are wanting to smoke. All you have to do is watch the water inside your bong turn brown to understand the benefits of that filtration.   Are You Losing the Good Stuff in the Filtration? But are you losing the good stuff you want in that filtration process? Research says yes but a very negligible amount. Because cannabinoids and terpenes are not water soluble, what you lose is infinitesimal.  What you gain is a vastly superior experience.   Keep it Clean A quality bong offers a cooler and smoother experience, hands down. But you’ll want to keep the bong and the water clean to make sure that you are ensuring the quality of your experience. Any chemicals can be potentially harmful if inhaled and contaminants in the water will definitely affect the taste of your hit.

The Cannabis Industry -- One of Incredible Innovation

We’ve not only gone mainstream, but we’re zipping right into the future. Cannabis innovation has taken a while to catch up since decades of prohibition put it on hold for a good long while but we are quickly making up for lost time.   A Variety of Consumables Creams? Edibles? What happened to the stuff we hid in a baggy in some obscure corner of our closet? Cannabis consumer products are flooding the market. Your favorite product can now be consumed in a variety of forms.   The Farmer Goes Tech There is no need for cannabis growers in some states to covertly hide their crops hoping they won’t be caught. Cultivation has moved front and center as the race is on to make the best use of strains, space and growing processes.  We have already reached the stage where cannabis strains can be tailored and tweaked to individual needs. Cannabis cultivators are now able to develop particular strains with the emphasis on CBD as well as CBN and CBC. The industry is now looking at new growing techniques like vertical growing, LED lighting, higher yield with less water by breaking down water molecules and sequencing DNA in order to create distinct flavors and attributes.   Extraction  New manufacturing techniques have developed ways to get nearly all the cannabinoids and terpenes from a plant. These concentrates yield a considerable amount of THC or CBD compared to smoking.   Cleaner Products Now that cannabis is regulated on a state by state basis, there is an emphasis on clean products making their way to market instead of the old days of contaminants, pesticides and heavy metals on your black market weed.   Applications and Home Delivery Imagine ordering your cannabis product with the same ease as ordering a pizza for delivery. In many states, that is already a reality. Cannabis apps not only allow you to find your closest dispensary but many will deliver it right to your door.   Marketing and Analytics Despite still being federally illegal, cannabis has become a huge industry. There are companies that devote themselves specifically to marketing of cannabis products. The Cannabis Marketing Association has chapters throughout the United States. As for sales, there are now programs that are able to manage the extremely rigid regulatory processes. There is also software available that can manage inventory and even keep data based on customer preferences and spending habits.   Payment Processing Because of the federally illegal nature of cannabis, most banks in the United States are not willing to work with the cannabis industry. Fortunately, there are companies that are providing secure and automated financial transactions for those customers and businesses. Some firms are making the entire flow electronic for marijuana products including tax payments.   The Cannabis Industry Into the Future  The cannabis industry today is already a multi-billion dollar industry and is poised for exponential growth into the future. Those individuals and companies who continue to invent and innovate stand to benefit enormously from this trend.

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