beaker bongs

Cannabis smoking and the Entourage Effect

The “Entourage Effect” is an experience or phenomenon associated with different marijuana compounds and how the interact with one another. So why do unique strains of cannabis have such dramatically different effects on people? Research has found that cannabis molecules work with a person’s physiology and even interact with one another. When most individuals think about smoking cannabis, CBD and THC typically come to mind. Effects of cannabinoids However, the reality is that marijuana plants are similar to tiny factories that produce up to 400 different chemicals and medicinal compounds, approximately 60 of which are called cannabinoids. The most abundant cannabinoids are CBD, CBG, CBN, CBDV, THC, and THCV, each of which has different effects on our bodies. Some research scientists believe that these compounds actually interact with one another and create synergistic effects that equal more than the sum of their parts. Entourage Effect This is referred to as the Entourage Effect which many believe help to explain why certain marijuana strains make you more energetic while others produce a sleepy high. Furthermore, some strains help with creativity and socializing while others relieve pain and help with recovering from injuries. Consequently, understanding the compounds in your marijuana goes beyond the amount of THC that it contains, although that is a key factor. The reality is that it’s all about understanding the Entourage Effect.The best example of this phenomenon is associated with CBD and THC. You probably know that CBD helps with pain and produces a calming effect while THC produces that “elevated” feeling or psychoactive effect that so many of us are familiar with. Granted, many individuals take these 2 cannabinoids separately. So, what happens when you combine them? You get balance. CBD and THC both compete for the same receptors in your brain. Basically, that is what gets you the high. Thus, if less THC is available than CBD, you’ll have different mental and physical feelings than if there were more THC than CBD. A lot of this depends on the individual and the type of experience they’re looking to achieve. Sometimes you might want the anxiety relief that CBD provides while in other cases, you may want the psychoactive effect that THC provides. Still other times, you may be hoping to achieve a balance or equal blend of the two. In order to get the most out of your cannabis strain, it helps to know this.For more information about the Entourage Effect, call Tank Glass at (323)-364-7952 or e-mail us with your questions at Additionally, we have a wide range of bongs, pipes and beakers to ensure that you enjoy your smoke anywhere, anytime.
glass pipe

Is it safe to smoke Marijuana on a Daily Basis?

While most of us are aware of the psychoactive effects of marijuana (the high that results), it’s time to ask the bigger question: “Is it safe to smoke marijuana on a daily basis?” and “What exactly is chronic cannabis use?” To find the answers to these questions, you have to compare your own experiences with the following information. We just have one simple suggestion – if you feel that you should cut down on your cannabis consumption or stop smoking altogether, then by all means, do it.On the other hand, if you’re okay with your consumption levels but still want to know if you’re smoking too much, you have a lot of factors to consider. Trying to assess your own behavior is just about impossible. However, you can get close to the truth of the matter. Therefore, it’s worth trying to determine if your cannabis use can be categorized as abusive or dependent. Unfortunately, you’re going to have quite a challenge on your hands because trying to define cannabis abuse or dependency can be difficult.The reason for these difficulties is that cannabis abuse and dependency don’t exhibit the symptoms or warning signs that chemical addictions do. However, there is a minute difference between abuse and dependency. Abuse relates to the way in which the drug is used and the effects that it has on you while dependency is how difficult it is to stop using cannabis. Interestingly enough, the two often go hand in hand.The first if not the most obvious question is “Do you find that you smoke even when you don’t really feel like it?” Here are some additional questions to consider: Are you spending money on marijuana when you know you can’t afford it? Do you wake up on your day off thinking that you won’t smoke that much only to be completely stoned by noon? Is your smoking interfering with your other interests? Asking these kinds of questions is an excellent start to understanding the relationship you have with cannabis. If you can control the quantity of cannabis that you smoke along with ensuring you don’t do it often, addiction will be at bay. So, what causes cannabis dependency? Drug dependencies typically occur when the brain’s neurotransmitter receptors become desensitized. In many ways, it is like tolerance in that as tolerance increases, so too does dependency. Additionally, there are potentially a number of long-term effects to be aware of such as changes in mood, heart and lung problems similar to regular tobacco smoking, little or no motivation, and weight gain. For more information contact Tank Glass today at (323)-364-7952 or e-mail us at
glass pipe

How the Body processes THC as an Edible vs. Smoking

One fact that everyone including novices should be familiar with – Marijuana contains delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol, more commonly known as THC. It is the cannabinoid that interacts with the brain’s neurotransmitters and gets you high. Interestingly enough, it is processed differently by the body as an edible compared to when you smoke it. Read on to find out how. Edibles When ingested as an edible, THC travels from the stomach to the liver. In the liver, it is metabolized or transformed into 11-hydroxy- tetrahydrocannabinol. It’s this chemical that is the key to understanding how consuming THC as an edible differs from smoking it. You’ll experience an increased psychedelic effect with 11-hydroxy-THC compared to the delta9-THC that you ingest when smoking. In effect, that difference explains the stark contrast between how you feel after ingesting it as an edible versus smoking it. You might want to try it and see the difference for yourself and enjoy both the experiences. Furthermore, if you’ve only smoked marijuana there’s a huge difference between these two highs. Another factor that separates ingesting edibles from smoking is the timing involved. While the effects of smoking are felt quickly, they begin to dissipate soon afterwards. Conversely, with edibles, the 11-hydroxy-THC has to pass through the digestive system and then the circulatory system until it reaches the brain. Although you may have to wait 1 to 2 hours to feel the effects, the high can last up to 10 hours. Smoking When smoking marijuana, the delta9-THC passes through the lungs, then into the bloodstream, and on to the brain. Although the lungs filter it to some extent, 50% to 60% of it will cross the blood-brain barrier and make you high. The entire process can be felt almost immediately. With the average joint, the highest you’ll get happens from 5 to 15 minutes after you’ve inhaled. However, the effect will start to taper off over the next hour or two. So, here are the key takeaways: delta9-THC is introduced into the body by smoking marijuana the effects are felt almost immediately, usually within the first few minutes the high peaks around 15 minutes after inhaling and can be gone within an hour The benefits of consuming edibles versus smoking differ as well. For instance, edibles are discreet (no one has to know), healthier than inhaling smoke, and the effects are longer lasting. On the other hand, getting high by smoking marijuana is faster, fun, and often more social.To have an enhanced experienced in smoking herbs, you might want to get more information regarding the smoking and related bongs, beakers and pipes, contact Tank Glass today at (323)-364-7952 or send us a message at
glass pipe

What You need to know about Medical Marijuana

According to US Federal Law, marijuana is a controlled substance and cannot legally be used for any reason. However, many states allow the use of medical marijuana to treat nausea, pain, and other symptoms. As a derivative of the cannabis sativa plant, it is used to relieve chronic symptoms. It contains a range of active compounds, but only 2 have any medical significance – delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol or THC and cannabidiol or CBD. THC is the key ingredient that gets you high. Is Medical Marijuana legal? Although US Federal law prohibits using cannabis sativa for any purpose, CBD that is derived from the hemp plant with less than 0.3% THC can be used for medical reasons. Yet while many states allow THC for medicinal reasons, Federal laws regulating the use of marijuana supersede all state laws. Consequently, people can still be arrested for possession of marijuana in those states where medical marijuana use is allowed. Thus, you’ll need to ensure that either you move states or adhere to the laws in your state. Medical Marijuana provides Benefits for certain Conditions State laws vary regarding the conditions that can be treated with medical marijuana. So, it’s a good idea to check your state’s laws if you’re considering using medical marijuana. Depending on the state you live in, you may qualify for medical marijuana treatment, provided you meet certain criteria and have one of the following conditions: Alzheimer's disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) cancer Crohn's disease epilepsy and seizures glaucoma HIV/AIDS multiple sclerosis muscle spasms severe and chronic pain severe nausea If you’ve been experiencing uncomfortable side effects or symptoms of your medical treatment, especially nausea and pain, consider talking about your options with a doctor before trying cannabis. If other treatments haven’t worked, your doctor may consider prescribing medical marijuana as an alternative. It has shown medicinal properties and for many ailments, it reduces the discomfort and side effects for many people. Is Medical Cannabis available by Prescription? The FDA (US Food and Drug Administration has approved the following 3 cannabis-related drugs and one cannabis-derived drug: dronabinol (Marinol, Syndros) nabilone (Cesamet) cannabidiol (Epidiolex) Dronabinol and nabilone are prescribed to treat the nausea and vomiting that results from chemotherapy treatments and for treating weight loss-related anorexia in AIDS patients. Cannabidiol is often prescribed to treat severe childhood epilepsy.Medical marijuana is available in a variety of forms such as dried buds and leaves, oil for vaporizing, oral solutions, pill form, and topical applications. How and where it can be purchased varies among those states allowing the use of medical cannabis. To learn more, call Tank Glass at (323)-364-7952 or e-mail us by clicking here.
glass pipe

4 Reasons You should purchase Marijuana from a Dispensary

It goes without saying that the most commonly cultivated, distributed, and used drug in today’s world is marijuana. According to statistical sources, this industry will be worth $70 billion by 2028. As a result, many online stores are now selling marijuana-related accessories and related devices with much success. Consequently, the legalization of marijuana has led to a great deal of innovation. Though you can always search for water pipes and bongs online and at Tank Glass, we have a wide variety of smoking apparatus for your use, there are still concerns about the ongoing growth of black market sales.Unfortunately, many consumers are neglecting the dangers of purchasing their smoke on the illegal market. Here are 4 reasons why everyone should be buying their weed from approved, legal dispensaries: Dispensary products are safer – when using black market or illegal products, keep in mind that it takes a considerable amount of time for any long-term, adverse health effects to develop. Illegal growers and distributors are not obligated to maintaining any type of regulatory standards or protocol. Basically, you’ll be purchasing a sub-standard product that could be contaminated with toxins and are extremely hazardous to your health and well-being. Expertise and knowledge – safety should be the main concern when enjoying the benefits of smoking marijuana. Since adverse side effects do more harm than good, the tight regulations and standards followed by dispensaries provide the peace of mind and assurance that their personnel have the required expertise and knowledge. In addition to this, dispensaries are accountable for the advice they provide. As a result, they will ensure that everything they provide adheres to all regulations and standards. Wide range of choices – unlike a dispensary, finding a black market dealer that offers the highest quality and safest strains of marijuana is a rarity. Since the legal marijuana industry must adhere to the strictest protocols, they can offer a wide range of choices for consumers to pick from. Plus, dispensaries offer full disclosure on the strain and its potency with every product they sell whether its edibles, oils, or vapes. You won’t be supporting an illegal market – if you purchase your product on the black market, you’ll be supporting harmful practices. It’s important to know that not all marijuana growth, cultivation, and distribution is ethical. Furthermore, the herbicides or pesticides that illegal growers use often contaminate local water supplies and will be harmful the environment and humans alike. Given that black market syndicates often resort to violence, you’ll be supporting crime.For more information, call Tank Glass today at (323)-364-7952 or send us a message at Our business representatives are available for your assistance. Call now.
beaker bong

5 Most important Reasons for Cleaning a Bong

Besides its unsightly look, accumulated bong residue poses a significant threat for smokers. It is true that significant amounts of residue build-up may cause a fire when covering the carb and potentially burn your mouth and fingers. If you watch what you’re doing, you can prevent this from happening. Here are the 5 most important reasons to clean your bong on a regular basis.Bong appearance matters – if you’re a smoker, you understand and respect how smokers have a relationship with their favorite smoking device. For many, it’s love at first sight while for others, it may take a few good smoking sessions to understand the idea. Keeping your bong clean enables you to appreciate the glass artistry. Although it can be a bit challenging to find the right bong, eventually you’ll realize what a magnificent piece of artwork that it is.Cleaning your bong helps to maintain good hygiene – the “puff and pass” mentality is a key component of the group smoking experience and has been this way throughout the history of the device. Unfortunately, germs will invariably cling to the bong and get passed around with it. There’s nothing wrong with the concept of sharing, provided you keep the bong cleaned on a regular basis.Cleaning your bong means less ash and a better taste – more importantly, less ash means fewer carcinogens. Not only does cleaning your bong prevent contagion, it prevents or decreases carcinogens. Regular cleanings mean healthier smoking sessions. Furthermore, eliminating the ash helps to improve the flavor of your smoke. There’s no point in tasting ash when you can enjoy herbs that taste the way they’re supposed to.Cleaning your bong means less residue build-up – and fewer residues means a much more enjoyable smoking experience. It’s just that simple. When there is less ash to contend with, the smoke moves about freely and smoothly. If you use a glass pipe, you’ll have a much better smoking experience than you would with one that is clogged with ash.Consider purchasing an ash catcher to prevent the ash problem from getting out of hand. Additionally, it’s a good idea to use a cleaning solution of rubbing alcohol and salt mixed with hot water. Letting this sit in the water chamber for several minutes will loosen even the toughest residue, so cleaning won’t require an undue amount of effort. It is important to clean the bongs regularly so that you have clean smoke all the time. To learn more about the availability of bongs or other products, call Tank Glass at (323) 364-7952 today. Or if you prefer to e-mail us with your comments or questions, click here.
beaker bong

Top 4 Benefits of adding Ice to Your Bong

Are you tired of putting up with all the coughing after taking a good bong rip? Does smoking your bong often leave your throat feeling dry, hot, and irritated? Adding ice to your bong might just the remedy you’ve been searching for. Interestingly enough, people have been experimenting with numerous ways to make bong smoking less harsh and more enjoyable. Despite the fact that the remedy for this has been sitting in people’s refrigerators, many individuals still haven’t caught on to this. So the questions arises – why do people add ice to their bong water? Whether you’re new to smoking from a bong or a seasoned veteran, adding ice to your bong is a great way to enhance your smoking experience. Here are the top 4 reasons why: Adding ice to your bong enables you to take larger rips – most smokers prefer a bigger rip that will keep them stoned for a few hours. By adding ice to your bong, you’ll be able to take cooler hits which in turn enable you to take larger ones. Adding ice to your bong enhances the flavor – in addition to filtering the smoke, you get added flavor by putting ice in your bong. Whether you’re achieving the maximum taste from your weed or you prefer to flavor it yourself, adding ice will enhance your smoking sessions. Adding ice to your bong filters the smoke – did you know there is an ice catcher in your bong. This feature enables you to fill the neck of the bong with ice so you get a cooler smoke. Basically, it’s a cooling filtration system that allows you to enjoy the benefits of a cleaner, filtered hit. Adding ice to your bong is like adding a splash guard – no matter how often you smoke, the splash back from bong water is not a taste that anyone desires or likes, especially when you’re not expecting it. This is one of the main reasons that people prefer other methods for smoking. Putting ice in a bong creates a splash guard when positioned above the water chamber. The bottom line is that adding ice to your bong will make for a milder, smoother hit. Just put 4 to 6 ice cubes into the neck of your bong and let the ice catcher prevent them from dropping into the water below. While this isn’t a requirement of bong smoking, it sure helps. You’d be glad you tried it on our advice!If you are looking for more information about the variety of bongs or enhancing your smoking experinece, call Tank Glass today at (323)-364-7952 or e-mail us at
glass pipe

A Basic Guide to Pipe Screens

“Why do I need to use a pipe screen?” is a question most cannabis smokers only ask once. Chances are, once you figure out why you’ll regret ever asking such a question. It goes without saying that nothing feels or tastes as rank as getting a mouthful of burnt ash. Furthermore, it’s a problem that is not only easy to solve, but it’s also a cheap fix as well. And that is why we have here a little background on the use of pipe screens. Reasons for using Pipe Screens We mentioned the obvious reason for using a pipe screen in the prior paragraph. From a technical perspective, using a pipe screen isn’t always necessary. In fact, we know of numerous smoking sessions that have gone perfectly fine without using them. If the hole in the pipe is small enough, you probably won’t need one. The problem is that the hole will get plugged up with tar after several uses. However, it is still possible to wind up with some nasty tasting plant matter if you pull too hard.Using a pipe screen will help to keep the bowl cleaner over time. Additionally, they make it easier to dump out the used content and help keep the tar from building up in the glass as well. So, you won’t be cleaning your pipe as often as you would if you didn’t use a pipe screen. Finally, when using a water-based smoking device such as a bong or bubbler, you don’t have to be as concerned about clean water. The pipe screen does that for you. What kinds of Pipe Screens are available? Some individuals make pipe screens the old school way with a piece of tin foil and poking holes in it with a toothpick. But then again, this isn’t the healthiest way to enjoy your cannabis either. There are 4 different types of pipe screens as follows:Built-in screens – if you’re not concerned about disposability, built-in screens are a great choice, many of which are simple and single-walled in designCircular mesh screens – the most basic and popular typeGlass screens – these are the ideal alternative if you prefer a screen that can be reused and shined up once in a whileRimmed circular mesh screens – perfect for using in stone pipesThus, there you have it. Whether you’re okay with using circular mesh pipe screens or you prefer something less labor intensive such as a built-in pipe screen, you have plenty of options to consider. With a plethora of bongs, beakers and pipes available at our website, you’d be spoilt for choice. To learn more about pipe screens, contact Tank Glass today at (323)-364-7952.
cannabis essentials

5 Essential Accessories no Cannabis Smoker should be without

There are numerous smoking accessories and tools available on the market today that will enable you to have a more enjoyable experience. Thus, if you’re a beginning smoker and not sure which ones you should have, we have some suggestions for you. The following are the essential accessories and tools that you should never be without.Metal grinder – you can still grind your product with a plastic one, but metal ones are far superior in every way imaginable. They’re easier to clean and maintain, last longer, look much cooler, and won’t retain residue or smells. We recommend a 3-chamber model which ensures that no material gets wasted. One-hitter – imagine a pipe that’s the size of a joint. That’s what a one-hitter is. These are ideal for the person who isn’t that good at rolling. These are also the perfect choice if you don’t like inhaling burning paper. One-hitters are extremely durable, keep your product safe until you need some, and can be loaded if you’re on the go a lot. If you enjoy taking a couple of hits with your morning coffee, the one-hitter is essential.Rolling papers – Before you start spending your hard-earned money on those fancier gadgets, keep one thing in mind. First and foremost, a self-respecting smoker should master the basics. In other words, learn how to roll a joint that doesn’t look like a crooked twig off a tree and use a filter. A filter helps to prevents nasty plant matter from getting in your mouth or your windpipe. It might help to buy a rolling machine as well.Rolling tray – if you don’t want your product and accessories getting knocked on the floor by a careless or rambunctious friend, you need to purchase a rolling tray. With a carefully designed, high-quality rolling tray, your product, papers, and other accessories and tools will be safe and secure. The better rolling trays include a rolling area and a section for storing papers and filters.Stash box – no collection of accessories is complete without a stash box to hold everything. Stash boxes provide a two-fold benefit. They keep your product away from curious eyes and keep it fresh in the process. Furthermore, remember this. A quality product deserves a quality container i.e. stash box. Don’t skimp when purchasing one. This is a must-buy if only for your peace of mind and nothing else.While we consider the above accessories to be essential for novice smokers, you may add other items to this list, if you choose. We have an extensive collection of glass bongs and pipes that would suit every smoker’s requirement. Browse our collection today and if you have queries, call us.

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