Can Cannabis be cloned?

Growing your own cannabis for its medicinal and recreational benefits is a more economical way of ensuring you have plenty on hand. However, if you’re just starting to grow your own, you might want to consider cloning your cannabis instead of growing it from seed. Cloning cannabis involves taking a cutting off a flowering plant, planting the cutting, and nurturing it until it’s capable of growing by itself. It’s also an easier way to preserve its growth and its ability to reproduce from one generation to another.

Why Cloning?

Scientists refer to the above cutting and replanting action as cloning since it re-creates an exact copy or duplicate of the original cannabis plant (a.k.a. the daughter plant and mother plant respectively. Although this may not seem that significant, the daughter plant the same genes and growth characteristics as that of the mother plant. So, if you clone a plant that contains high cannabinoid levels and produces a lot of flowers, the daughter plant will as well.

The only difference is that you won’t have to spend the money and time that’s involved when growing your plants from seed. Furthermore, cloning is significantly different from growing from seed because the genetics of the seed are slightly different from the mother plant. Unfortunately, that just the way things work with plant biology. So, if you take one of the mother plant’s seeds, plant it in soil, and expect it to mature with the same traits of the mother plant, chances are you’re going to be disappointed.

Cloning Cannabis involves choosing the right Plant

Remember, not all cannabis strains are ideal for cloning. In fact, not every plant in the same strain makes good cloning subjects. So, the question arises – “How do I find the right mother plant to obtain a cutting from?” The bottom line is to choose a plant with the ideal combination of characteristics in order to maximize your yield. Yes, the strain is a key factor as it applies to the effects, you’re desirous of from the finished product and its general growing characteristics.

However, cloning cannabis requires that you locate an individual plant in the strain that demonstrates the specific traits you’re looking for. We suggest that you clone cannabis from plants that:

  • grows aggressively and quickly during both the early flowering stage and the vegetative stage
  • grows lots of buds and stems
  • grows to a medium height
  • is not the auto-flowering variety

To learn more about cannabis cloning or for information on the best glass smoking accessories, contact Tank Glass by sending a message to Additionally, if you are looking to smoke weed and enjoy the experience, browse our large collection of bongs, pipes and beakers.

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