If you haven’t heard about THC-P, it’s one of the newest THC variants introduced to the market and has already been proven to be one of the strongest cannabinoids to date. Even more important is the fact that it’s made from hemp. Consequently, it’s available online as well as various retail locations other than dispensaries. So what exactly is THC-P? THC-P or Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabiphorol is a naturally occurring cannabinoid found in smaller concentrations in cannabis plants.
Select strains of the variant were initially discovered in 2019 by Italian researchers. But it didn’t take long before hemp producers saw a tremendous opportunity for developing new products. As a result, manufacturers found the means to make other cannabinoid alternatives including Delta-8 and hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) which is a hydrogenated Tetrahydrocannabinol derivative. Consequently, the consensus was “why not THC-P?”
Unfortunately, there isn’t enough of this material in a plant to infuse products such as gummies, tinctures, or vape pens. Instead, scientists typically extract the CBD from hemp and then isolate it before exposing it to a series of reactions that change the chemical structure despite the fact that it’s naturally occurring. So many manufacturers decided to procure enough THC-P in order to create new product lines. That is because the demand is so high and production is still catching up.
THC-P – its Benefits and Effects
As with any cannabinoid, they typically respond to each individual’s unique ECS or endocannabinoid system differently. No two individuals can smoke or otherwise consume the same amount, format, or strain, and experience the identical results. There are too many factors that contribute to every individual’s experience. That being said, THC-P is the ideal option for individuals who’ve developed a high tolerance to THC and patients requiring heavier doses.
Although the effects are similar to that of THC, those of THC-P are a bit more intense and potent. Consequently, you’ll consume less but achieve and enjoy the same results. This will enable you to save money if budget is a factor in your consumption habits. With THC-P, you can expect to feel euphoric and relaxed. Furthermore, it helps to improve one’s mood and reduces physical tension. In some cases, it has been effective at fighting insomnia, increasing a person’s appetite, and treating chronic pain. The medicinal benefits are high and studies are going on.
As far as legality is concerned, the legal status of any cannabinoid depends on its point of origination. For example, any marijuana derived cannabinoid is only legal if it’s sold through dispensary channels or medical marijuana programs. To learn more about this new THC variant, send your questions to Tank Glass at support@tankglass.us. And if you are looking for smoking accessories, browse our website.